Our shipment with Relocasia started well but was left in a storage warehouse in Guangzhou rather than being sent onto our new home. Our shipment was packed in Shenzhen in early June. We expected to receive it in mid-August. We had great difficulty getting ahold of anyone at the company, and it took days to find out our shipment hadn't been sent. It was finally sent in mid-September (a full month after we should have received it!) and arrived to us at the beginning of November. They also added on last minute 'peak season' shipping charges and storage charges. Not to mention, when packing our shipment, we were told that they had 'mis-estimated' the size, and we would have to pay premiums to take all of our belongings with us. We are still waiting to hear about insurance payments on the 3 items damaged. I would not only refuse to recommend Relocasia for a move, I would actively discourage it!